PPaste(ePaste cFormat);
kPasteText for plain textOnly available formats allowed. You can paste only using a format that is available for the object in the Clipboard. If the specified format is not available, this constructor throws an exception ("Operation was not performed.")
kPasteRTF for Rich Text Format (RTF)
kPasteEPS for Encapsulated PostScript®
kPasteExternal for external PageMaker format
kPasteColortronColors to add Colortron colors to the Colors palette
kPasteObjectEmbed for embedded OLE object
kPasteObjectLink for linked OLE object
kPastePict for Macintosh PICT format (Macintosh only)
kPasteMetafile for Windows metafile format (Win dows only)
kPasteBitmap for Windows bitmap (Windows only)
kPasteEnhMetafile for Windows enhanced metafile format (Windows only)
kPasteDIB for device independent bitmaps (Windows only)
Pasting items copied outside of PageMaker (Macintosh only). PageMaker
for the Macintosh uses an internal clipboard, not the standard Macintosh
Clipboard. To paste externally copied or cut data into PageMaker for the
Macintosh, you must first render those items to the PageMaker internal clipboard
using the PRenderClip(false);
Layout view only. Use the PPasteSpecial command only in layout view.
Example. The following example pastes the object from the Clipboard using the Macintosh PICT format.
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Edit > Paste
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Edit > Paste Special
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Edit > Multiple Paste
Comments or suggestions? Contact Adobe Developer Support